Latest News2020-03-24T23:32:23+00:00

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BFHI Training Course for Maternity Staff

BFHI states that all health workers who care for women and children during the postnatal period and beyond have a key role to play in establishing and sustaining breastfeeding. Many health workers cannot fulfil this role effectively because they have not been trained to do so. Little time is assigned to communication and support skills for breastfeeding and [...]

The BFHI for Small, Sick and Preterm Newborns

The 2018 revision of the Ten Steps  states that the care of small, sick and/or preterm newborn infants cannot be separated from that of full-term infants, as they both occur in the same facilities, often attended by the same personnel. As such, the care for these newborn infants in neonatal intensive care units or in regular maternity or [...]

BFHI: Separating Fact from Fiction

Despite the increase in BFHI accreditation, misinformation is still rife amongst mothers and even some health professionals surrounding the program, what it stands for and what it actually involves. The following article was written to address some common misconceptions about BFHI and what it stands for. It was published on An increasing number of maternity facilities and [...]

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